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Response to COVID-19

We want to provide a safe environment for our staff and our clients. Please do not come in if you are not feeling well, or have been in close contact with someone who is not feeling well. Please contact your provider at 414-962-6764 to discuss your options if you are not able to come to the office, or do not feel comfortable doing so. Please note that your call is most likely to go directly to voicemail because of limited staffing at this time, but providers are checking their voicemail regularly throughout the day and will get back to you as soon as they are able.

With the growing concerns over COVID-19, let's all do our part to stay healthy!

What will we do to help?

• We will spray down and clean common areas with increased frequency.

• We will follow the recommendations of the Wisconsin Department of Human Services and the Center for Disease Control.

• We will continue to limit the number of clients in the clinic or waiting room.

• If at any time we need to make changes to our business routine, we will let you know.

What can you do to help?

• Wash your hands before entering the clinic and upon leaving.

• Cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze, and use hand sanitizer as needed.

• If you're not feeling well, please stay home.

• Discuss phone or telehealth options with your provider.

If you have further questions, please feel free to discuss them with your provider, along with possible alternatives for care if you are not able to come in to the office.

Thank you,

North Shore Psychotherapy Associates

Telepsychology/COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

What is telehealth or telepsychology?

Telepsychology is defined, for the purpose of these guidelines, as the provision of psychological services using telecommunication technologies. For example, seeing your provider through an online format if one of you is not able to make it to the office.

Does my insurance cover telehealth?

As of 3/17/20, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provided some guidance that provided more flexibility for services to be rendered during this situation. However, we are still unclear on some of the details because things have been changing so fast, and you may need to contact your insurance carrier to determine what is covered by your plan. 

Why is NSPA implementing telepsychology?

State and federal guidelines have limited large gatherings and are encouraging social distancing. Our waiting room is small, and we are doing our best to keep it clean and allow clients to have space. However, some clients are not able to get to the office, or do not feel comfortable coming in. We are trying to offer alternatives for care that are mindful of the needs of our clients, and the health of our community.


What do I need for telepsychology?

A phone or internet connection is required for most platforms. You will need to allow access to our phone or computer's microphone and camera (if it has one). In addition, you will need to find a place where you can maintain some privacy (shut the door, close the blinds) so that others do not overhear your conversation with your therapist.

What other resources can I access?

The American Psychological Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mental Health America, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Institute of Mental Health, Forbes, PsychologyToday, and other agencies are providing information online or through podcasts about coping with the anxiety of what is happening in the world right now, and you may also find support through staying in touch with your friends and family in more creative and social distancing-friendly ways. Other resources include the Hopeline, COPE services, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Veterans Crisis Line.

NAMI has recently provided COVID-19 resources and working-remotely resources on their website.

Why do I keep getting voicemail when I call the office?

Our staffing is limited at this time, so most calls will go straight to voicemail. However, providers are checking their voicemails on a regular basis and contacting clients as soon as they are able. We truly appreciate your patience.

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